Seriously? Okay, maybe you don't - but we really do! The Audiosha™ Team Members are audiophiles. Our audiologists are doctors, our hearing conservationists are audio engineers and our hearing conservation video was produced by audio-safety specialists (at our recording studio). So we are the people you want, as partners, in your Hearing Conservation Program.
Hearing Conservation Program - Compliance
Required Education & Training
Your official noise survey measurements will answer the question, "Do we need to have a Hearing Conservation Program (HCP)?". Depending on how loud you asked that question - the answer may be pretty easy to guess. As a favor to you (since we're friends) you can use our video to comply with the Annual, Education & Training requirement of the HCP.
Your employees will love it (and so will your finance department). Consider this the beginning of our... Safety-Relationship™. You can thank us, via email:
What does OSHA say about Hearing Conservation? Click Here